Add and Edit service

Add service on Classic theme

First, you need to create services (products) on your store to be able to add to the app.

To allow customers to book an appointment for a service, you need to add it to the Services section.

When clicking the Add service button, the list of services/products will be listed. Searching for services/products is also very easy with the search box.

Click to select the service you want to add to the list, next you will go to the setting up step for the service.

Add service on Theme 2.0

You need to do all the steps as on the classic theme, and do one more step::

Go to the Theme -> Customize -> Choose the Product page template -> Add Appointment block

Service settings

Capacity & Duration

  • Based on Product: Set up capacity and duration once for the whole service

  • Based on Variant: Set up capacity and duration for each variant (option) of the service

  • Capacity: Maximum number of people for an appointment

  • Duration: Time for each appointment (minutes/hours)


Set the time of day available for the appointment, can be set up for one day or multiple days.


When you choose to set the appointment time in this way, the calendar will be displayed below.

After clicking on a date in the calendar, a window pops up for you to set up available interval or unavailable dates for the appointment. You can set up multiple available interval during the day and apply to multiple days.

For example, you want to set the status for Saturday as Unavailable, then you do as shown in the image below:

Depends on the employees

The choice to set the appointment time in this way is dependent on the employee's time. Employee available time is adjusted in Employees.

Advanced Settings

You can set intervals to prepare for the appointment.

  • Cut-off time: Customers are not allowed to continue to book in the time before the appointment set up here.

  • Future Days: Customers are allowed to pre-book an appointment during this time period.

  • Buffer Time Before/After: Time used to prepare or may be extended for the appointment.

Other Settings

Last updated