Day Off

Set up days off when services are not available.

Add Day Off

To add days off for one or more services, go to Day Off -> click Add Day Off button.

  • Name: name of the service day off

  • Blackout all day: If checked - time off will be calculated in days. If not checked - the time off will be calculated according to the hours of the days.

  • From - To: Set Day Off time

  • Service Scope: Select service to apply

Edit a Day Off

To edit a Day Off, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Day Off -> Select the Day Off and click on the edit icon

  2. Change any Day Off information

  3. Click the Save button

Delete a Day Off

To delete a Day Off, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Day Off -> Select the Day Off and click on the delete icon

  2. Confirm Day Off deletion

Last updated