Custom Questions
This menu helps store owners create custom question forms to add to booking
Create a new question form
Please go to Custom Questions in the left menu -> Click Add Form button
After clicking on the Add form button, you will be redirected to the form builder page. You can create 1 or more questions for your customers with the amazing form builder.
Email Settings
You need to be careful with the settings in this section. The content edited here will be added to the email (with short-code) to send to the admin, employee, or customer if needed. You need to add information fields to the content using the select-box just above the content-box.
The email field is only required when the store owner allows a free booking of a service. Because it's free, customers do not have to go through the checkout step, email will be required to create orders for customers.
With first name and last name fields, you can select or not. These 2 fields also help create the customer name in the order.
How to add custom question content to email?
To add custom question text to an email, use the {custom_question} short-code to insert it in the email body.
You can also find this short-code by clicking on the Email variables link in the top right corner.
Add custom question to the booking
Please go to Services -> Add service/Edit service -> Scroll down to Custom Question Forms -> Select the form to use for service booking.
This is the result after adding custom question to booking
Last updated